Dealing with Covid-positive students or students who have been placed under isolation/self-isolation measures

Appreciating the epidemiological situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina, we have been provided with instructions for dealing with Covid-positive students or students who have been placed in isolation/self-isolation, and in accordance with this, it is impossible to attend the regular exam dates set by the Academic Calendar.

Faculties/academies are obliged, in agreement with the relevant teachers, to set subsequent dates for taking final exams as soon as possible and no later than October 14, 2022, for Covid-positive students, i.e. students who have been placed under isolation/self-isolation measures (for the duration of the September exam period). year, at the request of the student and with the presentation of documentation that proves the impossibility of going to the scheduled exam dates determined by the Academic Calendar.

After the end of all subsequent appointments, the subject teachers should submit the list of students who went to the subsequent appointments and their grades to the Student Services of the faculty/academy, after which it will be possible to enter the grades into the information system.

Instrucija za postupanje sa Covid pozitivnim studentima